Writer’s Circle

Hello scribes… Welcome to your worst nightmare!

Juuuuuust kidding. But really, who else gets a little hesitant to share your work? I do for sure.

I did a workshop recently and one of the exercises involved writing a short story for five minutes. By the end of it, you post whatever you have done. THEN, everyone was encouraged to review each other’s work. It was daunting but also very freeing. So I’d like to introduce something similar.

Each week, I’ll post a prompt. You are to reply anytime during this week with a 400 word short story inspired by it.

Then, I encourage you to read another person’s story and comment ONE thing you found interesting, ONE thing they did well and ONE thing you really liked.

I must make a couple of rules known. This circle is sacred. I DO NOT want to see any harmful comments. This is a safe and inspiring community for people alike to learn and grow. In saying that, I also DO NOT approve of any stories that involve triggering subject matter. Please be respectful. We must take take of each other 🙂

Without further ado, hover over the tab above to see this week’s prompt. Happy writing!